
by Alice

Encouragement for moms of uniquely abled children.

Recent Posts

Ceremonially Unclean
I’m reading the Laws of Moses or all the rules and regulations God gave the Israelites after they escaped Egypt. These laws governed their daily lives and how they interacted with the people in their community....
Dislodging Truth
I’ve got to admit that I’ve been a little grouchy complainie – it’s complaining with a dash of whining. I’ve got a lot going on in my life right now and I would like God to move some mountains. The...
Listening and Obeying
Regardless of how often I’ve read a scripture passage or how familiar I am with a story, I’m always amazed that there’s more to discover. For example, I’m very familiar with the Israelites’ escape...
Keep Moving!
With fists in the air, the Israelites triumphantly leave Egypt. They had nothing to fear, the Lord was their guide (Ex 13:20-21). He leads them by a pillar of cloud in the morning and a pillar of fire...
The Roundabout Way
Even the most thought-out and well-laid plans can get waylaid because life doesn’t always go according to our plans. I get it. Personally, I’ve been going through a difficult season that’s lasted far too...
Peter was hungry but lunch wasn’t ready yet, so he went to the rooftop to pray. As he prayed he fell into a trance and saw a large sheet filled with animals, reptiles and birds descending from the...
Discouraged By Reality
Have you ever prayed for something for so long that you’ve often dreamed about how different your life will be when God answers? Imagine the joy you feel when you learn God has heard your prayer. Imagine...

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