Dear Readers,
Sometimes life has a way of throwing curve balls when you least expect it. This is exactly what happened to me 3 days ago.
What started out as a routine Saturday morning ended with an unplanned, emergency trip to New York.
I knew the call would come one day but not that day and no matter how many times I rehearsed how I would act, I was ill-prepared.
Now, I sit in my old bedroom trying to type out something cohesive to post. There is an abundance of emotions and images but I am struggling to find the words. My hands which used to flow across the keyboard, are slow. My thoughts are all over the place.
For now, I am choosing not to write those words yet because, in the back of my mind, I wish they weren’t true.
For now, I’m just going to grieve.
This blog will be silent for a little bit as I process my grief and honor my father.