Regardless of how often I’ve read a scripture passage or how familiar I am with a story, I’m always amazed that there’s more to discover. For example, I’m very familiar with the Israelites’ escape from Egypt. I’ve read it countless times since childhood. I know about the birth and call of Moses, the ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea and all the ways God provided for the Israelites on their long journey through the wilderness. I didn’t think there was anything more to learn, I was wrong. It seems I’d only scratched the surface, there was still more to unearth. I was especially surprised at what I’ve learned from Exodus 16 which is about God providing manna (and quail) for the Israelites. It read like an open and shut case for God’s providence and yet this time, I learned something entirely new.
God didn’t just provide manna for the Israelites and they went on their merry way, He gave them instructions concerning what He was giving them. They were told that each family was to pick two quarts of manna for every person in their home (Ex 16:16). They were also instructed not to keep any of it for the next day (Ex 16:19). Additionally, God told them when they should and shouldn’t gather manna.
Yet that didn’t stop some people from doing whatever they wanted. It wasn’t that they were ignorant or unaware of the instructions, they knew. They also knew it was from God. The same God they’ve been praying to for years. The same God whose signs and wonders they’ve witnessed when He led them out of Egypt. Yet despite everything they’ve seen and heard, some chose not to listen.
It was easier to ignore God’s instructions and gather a little more manna than what was needed. Who knew if two quarts were going to be enough? They were gathering anyway, so why not take some more? Yet those who gathered more had nothing to show for their extra work. When they measured what they collected it came out to two quarts, exactly what God had told them to collect. They could’ve saved themselves some time and energy had they just gathered what God told them to.
It was also easier to turn a blind eye to God’s instructions and save a little manna for the next day. Who would know? Yet try as they may they couldn’t keep what wasn’t meant to be kept. The honey-tasting wafers they saved became a stinky heap filled with maggots (Ex 16:20).
God providing manna wasn’t solely about divine providence, it was also about listening and obeying. Yet despite everything they’d witnessed, some Israelites still chose not to do either. It shows how easily one can believe in God, experience His wonder and majesty, and still not obey Him. Believing in God, and knowing the Bible doesn’t mean a whole lot if we’re not listening and obeying. After all, the scripture says even the demons believe ( James 2:19).
So what has God been instructing you that you’ve been hesitant to obey? Have you been working hard to gather what will never feed you when God has already provided what you need? Or have you been holding on to something that should’ve been let go years ago?