
by Alice

Encouragement for moms of uniquely abled children.

Recent Posts

A Parent's Secret Weapon
My son, Caleb is a happy, joyful person most of the time. He’s a creature of habit who thrives in structured, predictable environments. But he’s an entirely different person when he’s...
The Thing Called Faith
As a parent of a child with a disability, I have enough worries to fill my cup to the brim. A large portion of them are the unknowns, especially about the future. It’s a scary place for me, filled with...
From Impatience to Praise
I’ve been reflecting on God’s goodness lately and thinking about all the ways He’s blessed my life. In fact, I have a Book of Remembrance where I write down all the times God has answered...
Naaman and the Should Haves
But Naaman went away angry and said, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. Are not Abana...
Naaman and the Quest for a Cure
But Naaman went away angry and said, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. Are not Abana...
Keep Knocking
But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished. Acts 12:16 NLT  For the last several posts we’ve been looking at Acts 12:1-16. Or the time when...
From Elation to Closed Doors
Peter finally came to his senses. “It’s really true!” he said. “The Lord has sent his angel and saved me from Herod and from what the Jewish leaders had planned to do to me!” When he realized this, he...

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