Simple prayer for today

Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul.

– Mahatma Gandhi

As a mom of a uniquely abled son, my relationship with God is very important. I can’t do this journey without Him. He is the source of my strength, hope, and peace. He refreshes my soul as no one else can. I try to connect with God on a daily basis and one of the ways is through prayer.


I like to scatter prayer throughout my day. Nothing elaborate or wordy but small simple prayers about what’s on my heart at the moment. Whether it be a friend who has asked for prayer, or it’s my own anxieties and concerns. Other times I pray for whoever or whatever pops into my head.


My connection time with God is especially important during my busy seasons when I’m unable to slow down or breathe. I tend to lose my perspective very easily during those times. More often than not, I’m swallowed alive by my endless to-do list. I hate it when that happens! Sadly, it happens more often than I like.


During those crazy, hectic times I try to be proactive and start the day with a small prayer. This simple act starts the day off on the right foot and keeps me more connected to God and not my to-do list.


This is one of my simple prayers, may it refresh your soul today.



Father, I ask that your spirit wash over me today. Let your peace fill my mind and emotions. Let your strength direct my actions. And let your wisdom come out of my mouth. 


Help me remain faithful and steadfast, always abounding in good works. Amen

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