One of the most enigmatic people in the Bible (to me) is Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. I just don’t get the man. I’ve already done a post about him here. It was the time he wanted his magicians, astrologers, enchanters and sorcerers to interpret his dream and tell him what it was (Dan 2:1-5). With God’s help, Daniel successfully does both. In gratitude, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges that Daniel’s God is the greatest of gods, the Lord over kings and a revealer of mysteries (Dan 2:47).
I would’ve thought Nebuchadnezzar’s attitude and behavior about God would’ve changed after this encounter, but it doesn’t. After declaring that Daniel’s God was the greatest of gods, he sets up a 90-foot-tall statue and orders everyone to bow to the ground and worship it. Those who disobey would be thrown into a blazing furnace (Dan 3:1-4). Death threats seem to be the norm in ancient Babylon.
Enter the astrologers, who themselves narrowly escaped a death threat. Although they’re happy to be alive, they’re still feeling humiliated from the dream debacle and annoyed Daniel and his friends got promoted. Now the perfect opportunity for vengeance drops in their laps. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego didn’t worship the statue as decreed by the king. As good citizens of Babylon, they naturally let him know. At the same time, they pettily reminded him it was his idea to put these felons in charge of the province of Babylon in the first place (Dan 3:8-12).
Nebuchadnezzar is outraged! He orders Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego to come before him. In his graciousness, he gives them one more chance to do the right thing and bow down and worship the statue. He gives them a choice between bowing to the statue or being thrown into a hot furnace. He reminds them of the gravity of their situation when he points out, “And…what god will be able to rescue you from my power?” (Dan 3:15).
So although Nebuchadnezzar readily admitted that Daniel, Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego’s God was the greatest of gods, the Lord over kings and a revealer of mysteries, Nebuchadnezzar was still soverign. No god was powerful enough to rescue from his hands or save anyone from certain death from the fiery furnance. That was impossible. Or so Nebuchadnezzar thought. He would learn the God in heaven wasn’t just a revealer of mysteries.
A fact the three Hebrew young men knew well. They grew up hearing about the faithfulness and power of the God they and their ancestors served. There was nothing their God couldn’t do. He was the one true God and He was soverign over all. They boldly proclaimed this to Nebuchadnezzar. For them it didn’t matter if God rescued them or not, they would rather die than be unfaithful to their God.
Nebuchadnezzar is beyond furious. He was king! These men dared to challenge his power. There was no room for disrespect in his kingdom. He was so enraged he heats the furnace seven times hotter than usual. The intensity of the heat was enough to kill the soldiers who threw the men into the furnace.
But from that fiery furnace, God answered Nebuchadnezzar. There was a god who could rescue from Nebuchadnezzar’s power. It was the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. The fourth man in the fire wasn’t for the Hebrew men who knew their God would save them. The fourth man in the fire was for Nebuchadnezzar. He needed to know that this God was not just the revealer of secrets but also the Most High God and that no other god could rescue like this (Dan 3:29). He was Soverign of all.
It makes me wonder how much we’re like Nebuchadnezzar pigeonholing God into what He can and can’t do. Yes God can do that, but can He save us from this? Sure God did that in the past but does He work that way now? The truth is God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8) . What He was capable of doing yesterday, He can still do today. His power doesn’t decrease or lax with time. It stays the same. He is the Most High God. And He will always be the fourth man in any fire.