Waiting on Promises

I came across a verse that had my brain buzzing or – in the words of the fictional detective, Hercule Poirot – my grey cells singing. I had to stop, pull up a chair and visit with it for a moment, as my thoughts marinated. Scripture has a way of doing that. This time it was Romans 4:18-20:

Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!” And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb.

Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.

Abraham’s faith

This passage is about Abraham and the lengthy time he had to wait to see the fulfillment of God’s promise. God promised Abraham that he would be a father, and his descendants would be as numerous as the dust of the earth (Gen 13:14-16). Well, 25 years have passed since God made that promise. Abraham and Sarah – his wife – still had no children. And the likelihood they would ever have a biological child was unlikely because they were losing the race against time. While they were waiting on God, their bodies were getting older.

Although this verse is loaded with so many nuggets of wisdom, for this post I’m going to focus on the part about Abraham’s faith growing stronger – the section I’ve underlined. That phrase seems so counterintuitive. Why would his faith grow STRONGER the longer he waited? It makes no sense. 

Where’s our faith?

I get antsy if I have to wait a few days for anything never mind waiting for years on end. That would have me questioning the promise and wondering if I had heard wrong or misunderstood. And it wouldn’t be faith that was growing stronger, it would be my doubts. Discouragement grows in the space between when a promise is made and when it’s filled. And the longer it takes the greater the discouragement. Yet Abraham’s faith grew stronger. Why?

The answer is simple, Abraham put his faith in God, not the promise. And there’s a difference. When we’re putting our faith in the promise, it becomes our focus. Our hope. Our motivation. Eventually, it becomes our idol. We place it on a pedestal and worship it, looking forward to the day it will be fulfilled. And as time passes and the promise remains unfilled the pedestal begins to crumble as does our faith because it wasn’t built on a firm foundation.

Abraham however, put his trust in God. This gave him the strength to wait 25 years because he knew God’s character. God is faithful, just and constant. Nothing is going to make Him break His word. His word is true. So instead of getting discouraged as the years slipped by without any children, Abraham’s faith never wavered because his foundation was firm: his trust was in God. And each year as the improbability increased, Abraham’s belief in God grew stronger. He knew if anyone had the power to make the impossible possible it was God.

Take away

So if the promise you’ve been waiting on is taking a lot longer than you’d imagined and doubt is starting to creep in, it’s time to shift your focus. Put your trust in the promisor and not the promise.

Abraham never lost hope while he was waiting because he kept his eyes firmly focused on God. He knew the God he served was faithful. And at the wizened age of 100, Abraham became a father. And his descendants are as numerous as the dust of the earth. Abraham’s story is an example to us that the God we serve is “able to do whatever he promises.”

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